Idaho – Pocatello

Idaho – Pocatello
Node Host: Idaho State University GIS TReC
Lead Collaborator: Bureau of Land Management (BLM)
Acronym: ID

About the Node Hosts: The GIS Training and Research Center (GIS TReC) at Idaho State University (ISU) was created in 1998 by founding Director, Keith T. Weber, with a State Board of Education Technology Incentive Grant. Since that time, the GIS TReC has developed a research program focusing on land cover change in the semiarid savannas of the world, with emphasis on the sagebrush steppe rangelands of America's Intermountain West. Over the decades, the GIS TReC at ISU has worked closely with NASA, the US DOI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and other organizations to accomplish its mission— to facilitate sound decision making through the use and application of geospatial technologies. To learn more about the GIS TReC visit

History of the DEVELOP Node: The Node began through a collaboration between ISU's GIS TReC and scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). In 2014, two ISU students were selected as DEVELOPers on a research project focusing on wildfire. These students became part of the DEVELOP disasters team at GSFC working alongside investigators on the NASA RECOVER wildfire decision support system. Over a series of several terms ISU's GIS TReC became a discrete node focusing its research efforts on land cover change in the semiarid savannas of the Intermountain West. According to GIS Director, Keith Weber, NASA DEVELOP is a fantastic opportunity for students and early career professionals. Further, he saw DEVELOP as the ideal means whereby federal and state agencies could answer important management questions through DEVELOP's fast-tracked research model.

About the Node: This node hosts one project per term with an average of three participants. Past project specializations include wildfire disaster, water resources and ecological forecasting.

Pocatello, Idaho
Node Leadership
Fellow: Brandy Nisbet-Wilcox
Science Advisor: Keith Weber
Featured Project
Southern Idaho Disasters